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Welcome to John Parsloe's website
Writings about Family and Local History
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Family History
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The Parsloe Family
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Phyllida Parsloe Obituary
The Gamlen Family
Not the Right Burlands
Bruce and Verne
An Apparent Coincidence
Sir Gregory Parsloe Parsloe
The Faiers Family
The Faiers Girls
William Henry Parsloe 1891-1918 and coda on the Northen brothers
Charles Guy Parsloe 1900-1985
The Luke Family with Hodge Connections
Henry Burland, a merchant seaman
Local and House History
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The Bear Inn at Perrotts Brook, Bagendon
Louisa Emily Pack: Notes And Pictures
A Present from Seaview
Priestley v Hughes 1806-1816
The Riddle of the Egyptian Corner of Northwood House
Woodcote Green House and other Woodcote Houses
Commonwealth Marriages
The Golden Fleece in 1692: In the inventory of Richard Parsloe
Commonwealth History and the Parish Register of Ashton Keynes
Bagendon Estates
Notes on Fewster-v-Burge
Trinity Mill, Bagendon, and the case of Fewster v Burge
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